I had planned to do a round up of my favourite products of 2017 over on my Youtube channel, but since a cold decided to ruin my plans and we are already almost in February I’ve decided to do a Top 5 products of 2017 instead.

This felt like a herculean task, but I did it so here we go


Hourglass Modernist Eyeshadow Palette in Infinity, this is one of my most loved eyeshadow palettes and surprisingly never really spoke about it over here!

I adore these shades, for about two years now I’m all about a matte eye and this is perfect, it has a mix of warmer and cooler browns and one shimmer shade when I want to feel a little bit more sparkly!

Let me know if you would like to read a review or see a youtube video where I show how I use it and my thoughts on it – there are some cons!

Lumene Valo Glow refresh Hydrating Mist, last year I started to explore scandinavian brands a little more and have fell in love with some of Lumene’s products. I love mists in general and this one didn’t disappoint, it is almost finished and will definitely re-purchase! It smells like oranges, hydrates and leaves my skin glowing due to the vitamin C, could I ask anything more?

Glossier You Perfume, this one doesn’t need presentation I’ve wrote a review here. I LOVE THIS, LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE and have I mentioned that I absolutely utterly LOVE it? – hope you got the point and just run and smell this! Actually… Never mind! It’s horrible! Probably not your cup of tea *BUYS ALL THE STOCK AVAILABLE* 

Bobbi Brown Skin Foundation SPF 15, the base I reached everytime I didn’t know what to wear. Easy to blend, glowy finish, disguises all the pores and makes my skin look absolutely flawless without feeling heavy! Review here 

Bobbi Brown Extra SPF 25 Tinted Moisturizing balm, this as you can see has been well used! This has been my one step skincare/makeup in the mornings and it is amazing! It really moisturizes my skin and evens it out! Also wrote a review about it here!

If you needed to choose five products only, which ones would say were your favourites?


4 Replies to “Top Five Products 2017

    1. Tens mesmo de cheirar! É bastante fora do vulgar mas eu adoro-o, muito mesmo!O resto é mais fácil de encontrar! 😀

  1. Achas que podes escrever sobre a Lumene? Estive na Finlândia no ano passado e conheci a marca nessa altura. Pareceu-me tudo muito bem só que nunca tinha lido sobre ela e não quis dar um tiro no pé. Se na altura soubesse disto tinha comprado algumas coisas!
    De resto, awesome post. Foge aos preferidos convencionais!

    1. Obrigada!
      Posso sim! Eu fiz um vídeo de primeiras impressōes aqui caso queiras ver! :p
      Tudo o que experimentei até agora da lumene impressionou-me pela positiva! A feelunique tem stock de alguns produtos salvo erro!

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