The first time I heard about the Dior Glow Maximizer Light Boosting Primer was a rave from Sali Hughes, so I knew I was in for a ride – she knows her stuff
Before this one, I never used glowy primers before. I have combination skin and too much glow only looks good after 5 minutes after I applied my makeup… true story!


However, I decided to give it a go and I’m so glad I did.. it’s a lovely glowy primer with no chunky glitter. Because I get oily on my T-zone I tend to apply it in the perimeters and high points of my face. I also use it as a cream highlighter in the summer and looks lovely!

To be honest, I cannot tell you for sure if it makes my makeup last longer because where I apply it ( my drier areas) my makeup lasts quite long anyway.

I find the pale gold shade so universally flattering and when blended just gives such nice sheen, a lit from within!



Now the bad news, according to Sali this product is going to be discontinued, of course… What a surprise! A good product being discontinued… brands don’t learn do they?! So if you like it or want to try – you crazy human! – run for it !

2 Replies to “Dior – The Glow Maximizer

  1. I have combination skin also, and I actually got both the Dior primers: the mattifying one and this one! So I use the mattifying primer on my T-zone and this one on my cheeks 😀 They’re both great products, and if this does get discontinued, I’m getting another tube before it runs out!

    1. I’m not sure if the mattifying one is getting discontinued too, but it’s a shame that this one is… it gives such a nice glow 🙁 I also need to stock up! Escentual still has quite a good amount of stock! 🙂

      Thank you for your comment :* <3

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